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Letter From Teacher

A Place of Love, Patience and Joy

I’m the teacher of the 2-3 year-olds which if you have had or currently have a two-year-old, you would know that they are a busy group but also one of the most important ages. You’re taking a young child and molding them into these amazing tiny humans that are suddenly able to speak full sentences, learn to use the bathroom, and hit milestones that you never thought they would. It’s such an amazing experience to watch these little ones grow into the most amazing young people.

I would like to not only welcome you to a place filled with love, patience and joy, but to talk about our daily routines. Every day we include fine motor development skills, gross motor development skills, language, vocabulary, worksheets and cognitive development which involves how children think, explore and figure things out. When the children arrive in the mornings, they are greeted with a big hug and a smile as sometimes it takes a bit of encouragement and a few tears to say goodbye to mom and dad which is okay, it’s all part of their growth.

Once they have settled down, they have free play until it’s time for breakfast, then  the morning ring begins. This includes some songs, theme discussion, numbers, shapes, colours, alphabet, days of the week and months of the year. We then begin our theme-related worksheets.

Once our classwork is done, the kids have free play outside until it’s lunch time. After free play, the children  wash their hands and eat lunch and after that, they have their daily sleep to replenish their energy that was used throughout the morning. Once they have woken up, they eat their snack and have free play either inside or outside (depending on the weather) until it’s time to go home.

 Toilet routines are practised throughout the day and potty training is implemented as soon as the child shows that they are ready. Routines are very important for children so they get used to structure and learn self-control. It also helps with security and emotional stability which is vital in early childhood development. 

Thank you.

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